As of the middle of July 2011, the below list are the units that Open University Australia offer at an Undergraduate University level without exams.
I have been going through each unit at looking for these types of units as they are easier to complete whilst travelling or living an independent lifestyle aka living out of a backpack using a coffee shops wifi 🙂
Hopefully this will help people study whilst they travel…
Open University Australia – Undergraduate Units without exams
ABR13 Contested Knowledges (might be interesting, but note is Level 1)
ABS17 Australian Indigenous Cultures (Lifestyles, Past and Present) (Indigenous Study)
ABS28 Post Contact Indigenous History (OK if you're interested in this)
ABS36 Social Justice & Legal Issues
ABS37 Indigenous Australian Advocacy, Empowerment and Power (Indigenous Study, only if interested in this)
ABT10 Australian Society and Cultures
ABT11 Research Methods 1A (only a Level 1, so not much value)
ABT13 Aboriginal Cultures (same conditions as ABT12)
ABT14 Contemporary Aboriginal Issues (not recommended)
ABT15 Aboriginal People, History and Colonialism
ABT21 Australian Society, Aboriginal Voices (not recommended)
ABT23 Archaeology and Aboriginal Studies (could be interesting, actually, two non-invigilated exams apparently).
ABT24 Rights and Racism (recommend if interested)
ABT31 Comparative Indigenous Studies (not recommended)
ABT33 Indigenous Knowledges and the Social Sciences
ABY11 Yolngu Languages & Culture 1 (not recommended)
ABY21 Yolngu Languages & Culture 2 (not recommended)
ABY35 Special Project in Yolngu Language & Culture (not recommended)
ACG26 Government and Not-for-Profit Accounting
ADV308 Media, Advertising, Sports and Society
ANT11 Drugs across Cultures (non invigilated exam)
AUS21 Australian Studies: Debates in Australian History
BLS210 Sports Administration 2 (might have to do SA1 first, which does have an exam)
BLS340 Tax in Sport
BLS350 International Sport (good one if interested in sport)
BLW37 Advocacy (Previously Litigation)
CCJ16 Professional Communication
CCJ24 Law for Criminal Justice Professionals (apparently non-invigilated exam)
CCJ31 Regulation and White Collar Crime (apparently non-invigilated exam)
CCJ32 Social Science Research Methods
CCJ36 Punishment, Justice and Reform
CHN11 Modern Standard Chinese (Mandarin) 1A
CHN12 Modern Standard Chinese (Mandarin) 1B
CH221 Modern Standard Chinese 2A
CH222 Modern Standard Chinese 2B
CJR200 News Writing and Ethics (recommended)
CJR220 News and Information Gathering (recommended)
CJR300 Journalism Cultures (recommended)
CJR310 International Journalism
CJR320 Broadcast Journalism (recommended)
CJR330 Online News Production (recommended, has value toward Internet Design degree)
CJR350 Feature Writing (recommended)
CIS310 Professional Reading and Writing in Information Systems Strategy
CIS360 Information Systems Project Management
CLT110 Text, Image, Culture (Level 1, but has value toward Internet Design degree)
CLT120 Vision, Visuality and Everyday Life
CLT210 Australian Cultural Studies
CLT220 Graffiti, Kitch and Trash: Crimes of Style
CLT230 The Cultural Studies of Writing: From the Great Poet to Viral Aesthetics
CLT310 Unassimilable Bodies: unAustralian Cultural Studues
CLT330 Multimedia: The Poetics of New Media
CMM16 New Communication Technologies
CMM17 Introduction to Screen Analysis
CMM19 Text and Culture (similar to CLT110, only more boring)
CMM23/33 Media Buying & Planning (recommended)
CMM28 Classic Hollywood Cinema (easy Level 2, if u need one)
CMM29 Styles and Genres of Journalism (recommended)
CMM31 Media Audiences (recommended)
CMM33 Media Buying and Planning
CMM37 Documentary Scriptwriting (recommended if you have talent)
CMM38 Drama Scriptwriting (recommended if you have talent)
COD125 Introduction to Community Development
COD230 Australian Youth Culture
COD324 Projects in Community Development
COD334 Creative Ways to Work with Community
COM12 Business Communications (only level 1, but looks good on transcript)
COM13 Organizational Behavior & Communication (Level 1)
COM14 Creative and Professional Writing (Level 1, OK if you have talent)
COM15 Developing Research & Analytical Skills (Level 1)
COM21 Management Communication (highly recommended, high value unit!)
COM22/32 New Media: Communications in the Electronic Age
CUL11 Protecting Heritage Places (Level 1, but very easy)
ECO320 Economic Development Project
EDE101 Effective Communication: Academic and Professional Contexts 101
EDE102 Pedadogy and Play (Birth – 5 years)
EDE103 Children’s Development (Birth – 8 years)
EDE104 Numeracy (Birth – 5 years)
EDE105 Health, Child Protection and Physical Education (Birth – 8 years) (Practical Exam)
EDE106 Language and Multiliteracies (Birth – 5 years)
EDE107 Professional Practice in Early Learning Centres
EDE201 Curriculum Development in ECE
EDE202 The Creative Arts and Design in ECE
EDE203 Diverse Abilities: Inclusive Practices (0 – 8 years)
EDE204 Social & Emotional Development (Birth to 8 years)
EDE205 Assessment Practices in ECE
EDE206 Professional Practice and Enquiry based Programming (4 – 6 years)
EDE207 Language and Multiliteracies (5 – 8 years)
EDP120 Introduction to Teaching
EDP125 Development and Education
EDP130 Technologies for Learning
EDP135 Introduction to Curriculum
EDP136 Mathematics Education 1
EDP137 Literacy Education 1
EDP140 Assessment for Learning
EDP155 Understanding Learning
EDP215 Technology and Enterprise Education
EDP220 Behaviour Management
EDP225 Science Education
EDP230 Literacy Education 2
EDP245 Mathematics Education 2
EDP250 Educating Students with Diverse Abilities
EDP260 Arts Education
EDP310 Curriculum and Culture
EDP315 Society and Environment Education
EDP325 Professional Practice in Primary Education
EDP335 Literacy Education
EDP360 Physical and Health Education
EDP370 Indigenous Australian Education
EDP410 Integrated Programming
EDP417 Teacher as Researcher
EDP440 Mathematics Education
EDU110 Education: The Psychological Context
EDU120 Education: The Social & Historical Context (Level 1)
EDU250 Mathematics in the Primary School
EDU310 Teaching Beginning Reading
EHR201 Management Employee Relations
ENG110 Introduction to English (Level 1)
ENG210 Creative Writing 1 (recommended if you have talent)*
ENG211 Literature and Culture: Representations of the Medieval
ENG315 Contemporary Australian Children’s Literature
ENG360 Shakespeare
GEN14 Defining Women: Social Institutions and Cultural Diversity
GPH11 Introduction to Human Geography – DOES NOT COUNT
HST110 The Making Of Australia
HST120 The world since 1945: An Australian Perspective
HST130 The Fall of the Roman Republic
HST140 Myth in the Ancient World (Level 1, heard mixed reviews about it!)
HST150 The Worlds of Early Modern Europe
HST155 Archaeology and the Early History of Israel
HST210 Currency Lasses and Chesty Bonds: Gender in Australian History
HST220 War and Peace in World History
HST225 Alexander the Great and the Hellenistic Age
HST240 The Roman Eastern Frontier (could be an interesting one)
HST250 Pagans, Jews and Christians: Athens and Jerusalem
HST260 The Olympic Games, Ancient and Modern
HST265 Art and Architecture Through Roman Eyes
HST310 Twentieth Century Europe (could be an interesting one)
HST320 Australian History Since 1901
HST330 The Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire (maybe)
HST335 Sparta and Greece: Archaic and Classical
HST350 Animals in the Ancient World
HUM100 Engaging in the Humanities
IND11 Indonesian Studies 1A (not recommended unless fluent)
IND12 Indonesian Studies 1B (not recommended unless fluent)
IND21 Indonesian Studies 2A (not recommended unless fluent)
IND22 Indonesian Studies 2B (not recommended unless fluent)
LCS12 Writing the Nation: Australian Literature to 1950
LCS23 Narrative Fiction B
LCS31 Australian Literature and History A (easy Level 3?)
LCS32 Australian Literature and History B (apparently non-invigilated exam)
LEG102 Sustainability, Science and Law
LIM115 Recordkeeping Concepts and Practice
LIM125 Information Management Technologies
LIM215 Archives Concepts and Practice
LIM225 Information Design
LIM235 Management of Recordkeeping and Archives Services
LIM315 Knowledge Management Principles
LIM325 Enterprise Content Management
LIS120 Professional Practive in Information Services
LIS220 Resource Description and Access
LIS330 Information Theory and Research
LST210 Writing in English
MAN15 Issues in Small Business Management (Level 1)
MAN29 Survey Research Methods
MAR22 Sales Management (open book exam)
MAR29 Survey Research Methods (requires software purchase!)
MAR301 Services, Marketing and Management (recommended)
MAR331 Strategic Marketing Planning Project
NED11 Internet Design Introduction (easy)
NED12 Internet Design Advanced (easy)
NED23 Internet Design Usability (compulsory, but waste of time)
NED24 Internet Design Dynamic Environments (need programming experience to succeed!!!)
NED35 Internet Design Interactivity (you're doing it now!)
NED36 Internet Design Project (highly recommended, high value unit!)
NET102 Internet and Everyday Life
NET204 Internet Communities and Social Networks
NET205 Internet Commerce and Consumers
NET303 Internet Politics and Power
NET308 Internet Collaboration and Organisation
NET390 Internet Studies Project – DOES NOT COUNT
NMA110 Writing Angels: Popular and Professional
NMC140 Digital Imaging with Photoshop
NMV100 Studio Photography Online 1
NMV110 Photographic Digital Imaging
OHS201 Principles of Occupational Health and Safety
OHS202 Principles of Environmental Management
OHS211 Case Studies in OHSE
PHI110 Philosophy, Morality & Society (Level 1)
PHI120 Critical Thinking (recommended as alternative to REA11 if you can swing it with degree convenors)
PHI130 Mind, Meaning and Metaphysics (apparently non-invigilated exam)
PHI210 Practical Ethics (apparently non-invigilated exam)
PHI220 Body and Mind (will look ridiculous on transcript, but easy Level 2)
PHI230 Business and Professional Ethics (apparently non-invigilated exam)
PHI310 Philosophy & Cognitive Science (recommended)
PHI320 Theories of Justice (recommended)
PHI350 Philosophy and Cinema (will look ridiculous on transcript, but easy Level 3)
PLT110 Australian Politics in a Global Context
PLT120 Introduction to Global Politics (apparently non-invigilated exam)
PLT210 Contemporary Issues in Australian Politics: Race, Nation, Class and Gender
PLT220 Power and Legitimacy in Modern Political Thought
PLT370 Australian Public Policy
PSS100 Introduction to Sociology
PSS210 Psychology of Wellbeing
PSS305 Globalisation and Multiple Modernities
PSS350 Psychological Measurement Project
PSY130 Organisational Behaviour
PSY210 Developmental Psychology
REL11 Religion Studies: The Long Search
REL12 Religion Studies: Myth, Ritual and the Sacred
REL15 Buddhism Past & Present (Level 1, useless on transcript, ok if interested)
REL17 Religions of Asia
REL200 Religions of the Ancient World
REL210 Christian Scriptures
REL22 Buddhist Meditation Traditions (easy Level 2)
REL300 Contemporary Issues in Religion (easy Level 3)
REL310 Islam: Past and Present
SCB100 Scientific Skills & Communication (Level 1)
SCB160 Outbreak: The detection and control of Infectious Disease
SCC110 Analytical Science
SCE200 Energy and the Earth’s Environment
SCI110 Laboratory and Fieldwork Safety
SCI17 Cultural Perspectives on Science & Technology (not recommended)
SCI300 Instrumentation for Scientists and Engineers
SGY110 Australian and Global Society
SGY120 Introduction to Popular Culture and Society
SGY130 Youth and Society
SGY14 Social Sciences in Australia (Level 1)
SGY220 Power, Difference & Recognition (looks ridiculous on transcript)
SGY230 Sociology of Identity
SGY240 Methods of Social Research (recommended)
SGY250 Material Culture and Commodity Culture
SGY280 Sociology of Media
SGY290 Generations: Childhood, Adulthood, Old Age
SGY310 Human Services: Organizations, Structures & Policy (OK if interested)
SGY320 The Sociology of the Public Sphere (where is this sphere located?)
SGY350 Sociology of Music (hahaha I can't believe this is a real unit!)
SGY355 Naughty boys, bad girls: Gender and discipline at home and at school
SGY360 The Intimate Sphere: Love, Friendship and Family
SSK10 Tertiary Learning Strategies
SSK13 Learning & Communication Behavior (Level 1)
SSK15 Careers & Work (Level 1, looks ridiculous on transcript)
TOU210 Regional Issues in Tourism (Pacific Rim) (non invigilated exam)
TOU24 Tourist Destination Management (non invigilated exam)
TOU250 Tourism Services and Distribution Management (non invigilated exam)
TOU26 Tourism Enterprise Development (non invigilated exam)
TOU332 Sustainable Practive in Tourism Project
VAR11 Visual Research: Introduction to Drawing (Level 1, recommended if you have talent)
VAR12 Visual Research: Drawing and Ideas (Level 1, recommended if you have talent)
VAR23 Visual Research: Fibre/Textiles: Structure and Dyeing (potentially expensive, due to materials required)
VAR24 Visual Research: Fibre/Textiles: Decoration & Ornamentation
VAR25 Visual Research: Experimental Drawing 1 (recommended if you have talent)
VAR26 Visual Research: Experimental Drawing 2 (recommended if you have talent)
VAR31 Visual Research: Independent Art Practice A (recommended if you have talent)
VAR32 Visual Research: Independent Art Practice B (recommended if you have talent)
VIS13 Exploring Painting (Level 1, recommended if you have talent)
VIS14 Making Your Mark in Drawing (Level 1, recommended if you have talent)
VIS15 Photography – An Introduction (Level 1, recommended if you have talent)
VIS18 Introduction to Visual Culture (Level 1)
VIS19 Issues in Contemporary Art (Level 1)
VIS210 Architecture and Culture: Histories and Illusion etc (stupid name, it is too long)
VIS24 Australian Art History (recommended if you have an interest)
VIS26 Art in the Age of Revolution (pretentious, but ok if you have an interest, or if you are in fact pretentious)
VIS27 Modernism and the Visual Arts
VIS29 Art and Fashion in the 20th Century
VIS310 Architecture and Culture: Histories of Revolution, Modernity and Honesty
VIS320 Art and the Environment
VIS330 Beauty: Historical and Contemporary Perspectives on Philosophy and Aesthetics in Art
VIS36 Contemporary Aboriginal Art (sounds boring, because it is not even about traditional art, but contemporary)
VSW100 Art and Creativity
VSW11 Material and Conceptual Investigation in Print Making (they can't be serious, surely?!)
VSW12 Material and Conceptual Investigation in Textiles (omg! They were serious!)
VSW13 Material and Conceptual Investigation in Sculpture (it is getting worse)
VSW14 Material and Conceptual Investigation in Painting (OK, we are getting the idea already, thanks Curtin!)
VSW21 Painting – Observation and Perception (recommended if you have talent)
VSW22 Painting – Subject and Methodology (recommended if you have talent)
VSW23 Painting – Themes: Interpretation (recommended if you have talent)
VSW24 Painting – Themes: Perception and Intervention (how ridiculous is this name? “Rodney, we are your friends, and we are worried that you have been painting too much. You're an addict, and this is your intervention!”)
VSW25 Sculpture – Construction and Deconstruction (why would anyone deconstruct a sculpture?)
VSW26 Sculpture – Installation (potentially expensive, depending on how you do it)
VSW27 Sculpture – The Model – Dimensionality and Space (Curtin need to work on their unit names)
VSW28 Sculpture – Multiples: Objects and Space (potentially expensive, depending on how you do it)
VSW31 Independent Art Practice: Negotiated Proposal (recommended if you have talent)
VSW32 Independent Art Practice: Exploration (recommended if you have talent)
VSW33 Independent Art Practice: Development (recommended if you have talent)
VSW34 Independent Art Practice: Resolution and Presentation (recommended if you have talent)
WEB101 Web Communications
WEB206 Web Publishing
WEB207 Web Media
WEB300 Web Production
WEB309 Web Presence
Thanks for sharing this great post with us!
For those interested in IT, you can do a Grad Cert in Business Systems without any invigilated exams…
Also, the open uni website now has an option in the search page to search for all units that do not have exams… much more update than my old list 🙂