Time For An Adventure! Announcing Our Guide To Teaching English in Thailand

mountain road between Mae Chaem and Khun Yuam

I sincerely believe that most people can do something like what Tanya and I do. Travel the world long-term, spend months or more in another country, really get to know the local community. It really is not as hard as it looks.

But how are you going to pay for it?

English teaching to the rescue! English teaching work of some sort is available to any native English speaker who is willing to apply themselves. Asia in particular has a voracious appetite for English teachers. Whether you do it for a year, five years or just here and there as you travel around, teaching English can support you for as long as you need.

Back before we started travelling full-time, we lived and taught English in Thailand. We spent a great year living in Chiang Mai getting to know Thailand. It was an amazing, eye opening experience that changed what we thought was possible. We took a break from our careers, put our old lives on hold, and had an adventure. You can too.

So how do you arrange something like that?

To make it easy for anyone wanting to try their hand at English teaching in Thailand I have written a handy 38 page guide that describes everything from finding accommodation, arranging visas, selecting teacher training, finding a job and much much more. We stumbled through by trial and error but you have it easy!

I have focused on Thailand because that is where we had our English teaching experience. Since then we have visited Thailand repeatedly and know others teaching there so we have plenty of local knowledge to share.

With a very low cost of living and a very high quality of life, it is also a great candidate for a first overseas adventure.

So what are you waiting for? Our guide will answer all of your questions. You can do it.

Get the Guide to Teaching English in Thailand

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