Can We Get Out Now - Andrew and Bella in Singapore
Can We Get Out Now – Andrew and Bella in Singapore

We had both always wanted to go and hang out in Singapore. Andrew had been there for twenty four hours with his brother quite a few years back and I had spent some time there when I was a child. I don't remember anything about it except that I started my eraser collection there. I believe I bought mini food items made out of erasers. How cool am I?

We saw the advert come up for a ten night stay in Singapore looking after a female Weimaraner dog and her penthouse apartment with a roof top pool. We literally jumped, giggled, and then applied for the position. Who wouldn't want to spend ten nights in Singapore!

Luckily for us, after a few emails and a skype call, the owners of Bella and the apartment thought that we would be great faux-parents. We were on our way to Singapore! Flights booked and we spent the last few weeks in Bali discussing the fun we were about to have.

Hello Singapore! We caught a taxi straight to the apartment and let ourselves in. Bella was waiting for us. She knew we were coming and proceeded to celebrate our arrival by running around the apartment with her favourite toy in her mouth. What a nice welcome as we were both very worried about meeting Bella for the first time without her owners being present. Thankfully, it was wonderful and easy!

Bella Celebrating Our Arrival in Singapore
Bella Celebrating Our Arrival in Singapore

We took Bella straight outside for the first of many toilet trips then introduced ourselves by taking her on a nice long walk. Bella introduced us to her neighbourhood. What a lovely place Singapore is! The streets were clean and the side-paths walkable (no pot holes). Weren't we in for a treat!

During our ten night stay with Bella, we walked the streets a lot enjoying the sights and pretty gardens. We did have some trouble with other people's reactions to poor Bella. Although she was incredibly gentle she is much larger than the lap-dogs that are common in Singapore. Sometimes people would stop and want to touch her, others would freeze in fear and wait for us to walk by. Mostly however people would say hello and smile from a comfortable distance.

Park Walkway In Singapore
Park Walkway In Singapore

Singapore is so nice! The rest of the time that we spent with Bella and her glorious penthouse apartment was either out exploring Singapore or enjoying what her home had to offer. This included the roof-top pool! We had our own laptop pool to use. It wasn't very deep but the length was enough for Andrew to swim laps in. Even Bella liked to go swimming, especially after a long walk or run.

Bella Swimming While Andrew Complains Of The Cold
Bella Swimming While Andrew Complains Of The Cold

We really enjoyed our time pet and house-sitting in Singapore. Bella was a really easy dog to look after. She ate her food, she liked to laze around with us, she loved to walk with us, she liked us. Thanks Steph and Phil for letting us look after Bella for you. It was such a pleasure!

Andrew and I both hope to return back to Singapore for another house-sitting stint in the near future. Especially if we are spoilt like this again. I can't wait!

Bella After Her Swim In Singapore
Bella After Her Swim In Singapore

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3 thoughts on “Our First House-Sit in Singapore (Lucky Us!)

    1. Oh we loved it so much that we are heading back there for six and a half weeks! 😀 Come visit us!

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