How To Get From Chiang Rai To Chiang Khong Easily.

The bus ride from Chiang Rai to Chiang Khong – Andrew forgot to pack his big legs away

Ooh lah lah. It is local bus time. Travelling with the local Thai people is what we love to do best. There is no air con, no free water, no free biscuits, and certainly no toilet to use. Just a lovely time spent on a small seated bus with small local Thai people. Nice!

Chiang Khong is a small town in Thailand just across the river from Huay Xai, the border town of Laos. Since we were heading into Laos, this is the border crossing we were taking.

Catching the bus from Chiang Rai to Chiang Khong is quite simple. Rock up at the local bus station in the centre of town and look for the sign that says “Chiang Rai – Chiang Khong”. This is the bus that you take.

Chiang Rai's Bus Station
Chiang Rai – Chiang Khong Bus Timetable – 65B – Takes 2 Hours – 105Km

Once you have found the bus stand, take notice that the bus leaves every hour on the hour from 6am through to 5pm every day. The bus ride will take two hours to complete the journey. If you were considering heading into Laos that day, you would need to leave early on in the day. The two hour ride will cost you 65 Baht. Hardly anything really.

The bus driver took our money, gave us change, and handed us our hot pink tickets. On the bus we hopped, with a lot of giggles and smiles from the other passengers. Especially when Andrew had to sit in a seat. His legs couldn't fit in the space at all! Check out the photo at the top of this post! Although the seats and the leg space were designed for Thai people, it was still very comfortable.

Hot pink bus tickets
Inside the bus from Chiang Rai to Chiang Khong

While we waited for the bus to leave we were entertained with a raunchy live concert movie at the front of the bus. It was amusing seeing the young lasses trying to dance to slow beated love songs. The sound system throughout the bus also added to the package. We have never heard music sound so good!

Raunchy karaoke to get you in the bus mood
The wicked sound system on the bus

Once the bus got moving, the lack of air conditioning wasn't that noticeable. There was enough air being circulated around via the open the windows and the ceiling fans. People got on, people got off, people smiled at us, giggled, offered us children to play with.. It was a very enjoyable ride.

We spent the time reading our books and looking out the window at the beautiful country side. In no time at all, we were in Chiang Khong. We were dropped off out front of the 7-11. Tuk tuks were waiting for us if we needed a ride. And there we were, a new town, Chiang Khong.

Excited Tanya
Excited Andrew

7 thoughts on “How To Get From Chiang Rai To Chiang Khong Easily.

  1. How is Chiang Khong ? Is it worth an overnight trip if I am not there for visa purpose ?
    I have no more places left to visit near that part of Thailand.

    1. Chiang Khong isn’t the most exciting town but it was nice enough. If you stay somewhere on the Mekong there is a nice view over to Laos.

  2. These are with local bus lines from bus station 1. Prefer this option @ 60 bath and Never go to station 2 @ 220bath: the rudest and most dangerous driver you can meet in Thailand!! He throwed object onto my wife, abandonned us in an empty area with our children before chang khong, was rude, impolite, irrespectfull.. just because he wanted local ladies to seat at the places we booked for us with our children!!!

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