One Pan Wonder Recipe – Easy Peasy Pizza

Easy Peasy One Pan Wonder Pizza Slice

One Pan Wonder Recipe – Easy Peasy Pizza

Everyone loves pizza and why should you miss out on something so tasty at three in the morning? This recipe for pizza is in fact very easy peasy indeed. Take some very simple ingredients, mix it in a frying pan, cook for a bit, add some topping, cook a bit more, and there you have it, easy peasy pizza!

Easy Peasy One Pan Wonder Pizza Ingredients:

Pizza Dough:
1 cup of flour – wholemeal, white, plain, self raising, it doesn't matter
1/4 cup of water
1 Tb oil

Pizza Toppings:
Stir Thru Tomato or Pesto Spaghetti Sauce
Cheese – mozzarella or cheddar
Anything else you may want to add – ham, tomatoes, onion…

Easy Peasy One Pan Wonder Pizza Instructions:

1) In a clean frying pan, mix together with flour, water and oil until it becomes pizza dough. You may need to add some more flour at this time.

2) Gently flatten the dough with your hands to form the pizza dough. Try to make the pizza dough as even as possible.

3) Cook the pizza base on low to medium heat for five minutes with a lid on the frying pan.

4) Turn off the heat, take the lid off, gently turn over the pizza base and add your pizza toppings. Try not to overload the pizza with too many toppings.

5) Put the lid back on the frying pan, cook on low to medium heat for another five minutes.

6) Take off the heat, transfer on to a plate or chopping board and let sit for two minutes before serving. Yum!

Eating The Easy Peasy One Pan Wonder Pizza

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