The moment you open the doors to enter the Miniature Museums of Taiwan (MMOT) you can't help but feel like a kid again. It's a hard feeling to describe but there is something about miniature things and massive doll houses that just brings you back to five year old you.
There is over 200 items on display which includes fully functional doll houses, room boxes with interior scenes, and other miniature artwork displays including miniature cakes and other themed things.

Make sure you have at least two hours to spend here, four would be ideal. To rush through a museum showing people's hard word and dedication to all things miniature would be tortuous to all people involved.
Along with the museum itself, there is a wonderful shop selling all things miniature. There is a little food stall and seating area to take a rest and clean bathrooms to use also.
Miniatures Museum of Taiwan costs adults NT$180 (USD$6) and children NT$100 (USD$3.30) in entry fee. They are open Tuesday to Sunday from 10:00am to 6:00pm. If there was a public holiday on the Monday then it will be closed on Tuesday. Also note that if there is a typhoon in Taipei, there is every chance it will be closed too, as we found out personally.
More information can be found at their website. Map link here.

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