Our home is wherever we are. We know this sounds like a cliché but it is true for us at this point in our lives. We are often homeless. This is mainly when we are travelling from one place to another. However as soon as we get into our room for the night, that room is now our home. We can unpack our things in two minutes flat and make it feel, at least a little, like our home in Perth, Western Australia.
There really is no need to miss out on the luxuries of home when you travel long term with a small backpack on your back.
Examples of the luxuries we have that takes up hardly any space include our miniature Astro and Uran dolls. They have been our travel and home companions for as long as we can remember. They were also our wedding cake toppers. We know that they are siblings but as they are robots (and fictional), it doesn't count! Putting them out on a counter in our room somewhere really makes it look like home.
Our travel sheet set is another example of something we have with us at all times that makes us feel like we have a created a home no matter where we go. Something as simple as two pieces of clean material that we sleep between can make a difference in a room on the move.
We also travel with tea bags. A couple of varieties in fact. As we drink a lot of tea when we are at home in Perth, there really is no reason why we shouldn't drink as much when we are on the road. Most places we stay at either supply a kettle in the room or have a hot drinking water system for us to fill up cups of tea with.

The same goes with our office set up on the road. Just because we have to travel light doesn't mean we can't bring a few luxuries with us.
We both have awesome, small and lightweight laptops that still have a large enough viewing screen to do our work and Internet surfing easily. Having a good laptop or tablet with a proper keyboard really is important. With a decent sized hard drive as well. You never know when someone is going to offer you some movies or tv shows on a flash drive that you you can save to your laptop to watch at a quiet time.
Packing or purchasing a wireless mouse is a very good investment when creating a mobile office. A mouse really doesn't take up that much space in your bag and when you are on your computer for more than a few hours a week, the luxury of mouse clicking instead of using the touch pad is really worth it.
Headphones are also extremely important. They allow you to block out background noise and to use music to get yourself into work mode. Large headphones that fit over your ears work better at shutting out background noise but also take up much more room so we've settled for ear buds.
You will also need a few other bits and pieces like a powerboard, a flashdrive, and perhaps an external hard drive.
Once you've sorted out your gear you can take yourself to a guest house, coffee shop or anywhere with free wifi, buy a coffee or two and sit and work from there. In fact, I am writing this in a coffee shop now.
What do you take with you on the road?